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전문자료 검색결과 (6,945건) NAVER OpenAPI

The study of double passive and causative affixes in Gangneung dialect There is a double passive and causative affixes in Gangneung dia
The old builders at Chodang-dong, Gangneung City 목차 강릉 초당동고분군의 조영집단에 대해서 / 최종래 1 〈요
A Study on Festival Service Quality Using IPA : Focused on Gangneung Dano Festival 본 연구에서는 강릉 단오 축제방문객들
Meaning and Characteristics of holding a Gangneung Youth senior citizen's party 청춘경로회는 조선시대 강릉에서 행해졌
The Phonological Characteristics of the Vowels of Gangneung Dialect in “Gyeongsyeongyurok” 본 연구의 목적은 1910년 전후
The Phonological Characteristics of the Vowels of Gangneung Dialect in “Gyeongsyeongyurok” 본 연구의 목적은 1910년 전후
The monopolization of landscape by scholastic mantle -Songdam Seowon in Kang Nung and Shin Saim Dang’s painting- 본 연구는 강릉
Shilla’s coastal navigation of the East Coast of Korea and Haslla -with focus on the Shilla Gangmun-dong earthen fortress at Gyeongpo