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Six fractions, named TiA - TiF, were obtained by fractionating the crude ethanol extract of the stem bark of Tamarindus indica using c
ABSTRACTSince its emergence in January 2018, the Chinese #MeToo movement has mobilized #MeToo, #RiceBunny, and other hashtags on Weibo
ABSTRACTSince its emergence in January 2018, the Chinese #MeToo movement has mobilized #MeToo, #RiceBunny, and other hashtags on Weibo
AbstractYemen is a traditional friendly country of China and an important partner in the Arabian Peninsula. As result recurring confli
The light-growth response of Phycomyces has been studied with Gaussian white-noise test stimuli for a set of 21 double mutants affecte
표제지 목차 요약 51 I. 서론 53 II. 조사지 개황 56 1. LGM 57 1.1. 낙동강 57 1.2. 소양강 57 1.3. 홍천강 5
O objetivo do presente estudo foi verificar a formação de discriminações condicionais por meio de um procedimento de treino por pa
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